With all their many positive personality traits there are also a few negative ones. In this article, we’ll be looking at those libra personality traits you’re probably not aware of.

No Libra profile can be complete without a sampling of the sign's more negative qualities. These can include:

They are Superficial

Libras are people who value external beauty a lot. They tend to disregard any potential flaws that might be inside the beautiful exterior. They will make their decisions after being influenced by the beautiful external look . If the outside looks good the inside doesn’t matter, this often works to their disadvantage in many situations.


A Libra is known to change their mind by being easily influenced by the opinions of others. You cant rely on them to keep their word because they love listening to others and basing their decisions on the opinions presented to them. This can be quite annoying especially to someone who is depending on their decision.


They are usually empathetic often times, but they can also become detached and pretentious in order to avoid hurting someone. You may never know if they are truly feeling sorry towards a certain situation until you spend more time with them.

Very Laid back

As much as they are very energetic, they can also be laid-back too. This is not because they are lazy, but because they want to avoid serious emotional challenges or tension that might affect them.


They usually find it hard to make choices which often land them in trouble. Making a choice is one of the hardest tasks that makes them quite uncomfortable. They might even avoid a situation where they have to make a choice if they can.


Since they love being around beautiful things, they tend to be extravagant and self-indulgent in order to please themselves. They will spend a lot in order to go to a beautiful place, buy beautiful clothes or household items.


Make no mistake about it, whether Libra is the sun sign or on the ascendant, narcissism can be a part of this sign's makeup. Librans can be very appearance-oriented people, and that appearance begins with themselves. They want to look beautiful and/or handsome and will take as much time as needed to make sure that they look their absolute best. Lest you think that Libra is simply trying to fulfill a huge ego, note that being surrounded by beauty actually helps Libra feel calm and centered.


Librans all but invented the art of flirting, and they will flirt with just about anyone. While it's true that practically all the signs flirt, Libra has elevated flirting to quite the art form; you just never know if he or she is flirting with you or simply being nice.


One of the hardest things for Libra to do is to make a decision, and no matter what you do, never press these people to make a decision quickly. First, the mere fact that you are pressing them to act quickly only serves to convince them that you are uncouth and uncultured. After all, who makes a decision without carefully weighing all the options? Second, Libras don't like to feel pressured; if they feel, or if it's proven, that they made the wrong choice, they will happily blame you for the rest of your life! Third and finally, these natives truly want to come up with the right solution, and they will feel emotionally devastated if they don't.

Source: http://freelibrahoroscope.blogspot.com/

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