It may be difficult to deal with people who seem spaced out and confused today, Libra. This confusion can be contagious. You will find that no matter how much logic you apply to the situation, if it doesn't feel right, it won't happen. Things will flow naturally or they won't flow at all. Ease into the relaxed atmosphere of the day and don't worry if things don't happen as quickly as you'd like.
Libra daily horoscope for today Wednesday 11 March
Fiery energy is with you when it comes to your relationships, Libra, although some of you may live this energy through others. There is a need for more freedom and growth in your close relationships, but the past, family, or fears of leaving your comfort zone have a strong hold over you. The atmosphere today is contrary, and you are especially sensitive to imbalances. Frustrations with others' behavior is likely, and you may feel railroaded at times. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, but do it without defensiveness, if possible, for best results. Displaying self-respect always increases your chances of receiving respect in return, but sometimes people keep pushing, and your goal this week should be to make changes that help you live more authentically and less fearfully. Ego wars and power games won't lead you to this place.
Creativity: Good ~ Love: Excellent ~ Business: Fair